In addition to being a Medical Doctor, I am also an Electronics and Computer Engineer. I have considerable experience with Medical Devices and Have experience more than 7 years in engineering, while I have only a year of experience in medicine.
I also have experience of Robotic's and Automation which in my opinion will lead to a better Quality, Less expensive and more Reliable Healthcare Experiance in India.
Get Appointment.Cryptography Helps our Digital life to be safe and stay hackproof, because no matter how good the world is, there will always be people with wrong intension, Which is why it is so important for Medical Device to be secure.
Reports indicate that Heart disease is a leading cause of death. If we can diagnose heart disease at an early stage, we can help our petients live longer and worry-free.
There are many senior citizens living in poverty in india, who suffer from hearing loss. They need access to cheaper, long-lasting hearing Devices.
Many people in india who live in very remote areas. They have to travel long distances to cities for healthcare. If our doctors had access to portable Medical Instruments, They would be able to treat people in remote areas.
The official position I hold is that of a medical Doctor, but I also have a passion for electronical Devices. Mainly Medical devices. My Vision is to make medical Instruments to Help people to achieve better lifestyle. When I get time or when I am on vaction, I utilize this time to learn and work on electronics, sometime with highly qualified and experiance engineer. In Addition to this, I Sometime also Give my patient medical Devices to give me their Feedback so That I can improve these Devices.
As I am new This is going to Increase Day by Day..
Medical Experience
I have Improve Patients life with my Cheap Devices.
Engineering Experience.
You can't compare them as they do very different work. But for a Health Care System, we need a good doctor, and a good engineer working together to run and improve our system.
A Doctor used a lot of tools and machines to treat Human. If some problem occurs with one of his machines, he calls and engineer to fix it. Doctors have to perform many medical tests, which is mostly performed under machines. Most of the time, a health care worker requires a medical Device.
In rare cases a mistake can be made by medical professional or a machine may fail to function during an important operation. In such cases, if there is no engineer nearby, something wrong may happen.
Engineers have made Healthcare System whete it is now possible. For every patient treated, Engineers contribute 50% equally.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dr. Salman is a Medical Doctor, Practicing Medicine and also has Lots of Contribution to Electro-Medical Devices.
I am From West Bengal. But I live in Delhi.
If you are Asking some basic thing than You can go to Contact page. And If you want to talk about patient Go to Appointment page.
Currently If you are senior Doctor than me than please contact me. If you are an Engineer than for Medical Device Only.
No, Currently I am Just a Medical Doctor so I will work in Hospital. Once I have Completed Furture course. I will Think so.
Currently Nowhere. You may contact me or take an appointment.